When it comes to the gastronomic delights of Sakhalin, the first thing that comes to mind is a luxurious giant – the Kamchatka crab. Most residents of the central zone have never even seen this inhabitant of the sea depths, so when they find themselves in the distant Primorsky region, they certainly strive to try the famous delicacy.

Crabs are present in Sakhalin markets all year round, but the largest and fattest specimens are caught in late winter – early spring. Prices vary depending on the location and season and start from 1,000 rubles per piece. Crabs are sold both whole (more impressive) and already cut up, vacuum-packed phalanges (more practical), which is perfect for transportation.

The second most popular among tourists is caviar and red fish: pink salmon, kichuzh, chinook salmon, sockeye salmon in salted, dried or smoked form. However, there is so much fish on Sakhalin that it is unlikely that you will be able to try all its varieties in one trip. The local cuisine is replete with dishes from navaga, smelt, flounder, pollock, halibut and other types of sea and river fish.

As for caviar, you can buy it in jars and take it with you as a tasty souvenir. But at the end of summer - beginning of autumn, you should definitely try the so-called "five-minute" caviar - the freshest, almost raw caviar with a minimum amount of salt, which is prepared immediately after catching and cutting the fish.

Sakhalin is a real paradise for lovers of all kinds of "sea creatures". On Lake Busse, you can catch huge oysters yourself, try them raw or bake them right there on the spot. Scallops on the island are also eaten mainly raw, it is tastier and healthier. Helpful sellers will reliably pack fresh oysters, chilim shrimp, mussels, octopus meat, squid or trumpeter in thermal bags, so they can be carried in hand luggage on the plane without any problems.

The best place to buy seafood is considered to be the fish market of the shopping center "Uspekh" in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. There is a huge selection of fish, caviar and seafood, before buying you can try everything.