Oxygen cocktail – a faithful ally in losing weight and staying slim. Having a low calorie content, it significantly reduces the feeling of hunger, because the light foam fills almost the entire volume of the stomach. In addition, the oxygen cocktail activates the work of liver cells and accelerates fat burning. 

An oxygen cocktail is a thick foam consisting of a base (juice, herbal infusion) and thousands of oxygen molecules. A tireless army of tiny oxygen workers helps the body quickly and effectively get rid of the negative consequences of oxygen starvation and recharge with vivacity, energy and good mood. One portion of an oxygen cocktail can successfully replace a many-hour walk in the forest.

Thousands of bubbles, having entered the body, rush to begin a healing oxygen session and share their healing properties. The cocktail improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, helps normalize intestinal microflora, accelerates the elimination of toxins, improves liver function and metabolism, burns fat, strengthens the immune system, normalizes sleep, and combats chronic fatigue syndrome. Regular consumption of an oxygen cocktail promotes cell renewal, and, consequently, prolongation of youth.

Oxygen foam enhances cellular metabolism, improves blood supply, and normalizes reflex processes. The beneficial effect of oxygen on the body increases when combined with the phytocomplexes included in the oxygen cocktail.

Everyone needs an oxygen cocktail. Life-giving molecules are ready to provide emergency oxygen assistance to everyone. Small children, pregnant women, and the elderly are recommended to take it without fail.

Children are very happy with the airy treat. An oxygen cocktail provides energy, which is extremely important for normal growth, development and strengthening of the immune system. This is especially true for children who are often ill.

Athletes and fitness professionals also need an oxygen cocktail. Increased muscle contraction requires large volumes of oxygen. Additional portions of oxygen will help achieve outstanding results and speedy recovery after exercise.

The use of an oxygen cocktail is extremely useful for expectant mothers. During pregnancy, the volume of circulating blood increases, therefore, more oxygen is required to saturate it. Oxygen deficiency that occurs in the mother during this period also leads to hypoxia in the baby. Therefore, drinking an oxygen cocktail will help eliminate unpleasant signs of oxygen deficiency.

For diseases or disorders of the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous and digestive systems, the life-giving foam of the cocktail will also be very useful. Malfunctions of these organs negatively affect the supply of vital energy to cells. An oxygen cocktail has the ability to eliminate these disorders.

Using an oxygen cocktail helps:

  • Eliminate functional disorders of the nervous system caused by emotional and physical overload (chronic fatigue syndrome, sleep disturbance)
  • Normalize the motor, secretory and enzymatic functions of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic processes
  • Accelerate redox processes
  • Activate the processes of formation and outflow of bile
  • Overcome degenerative changes and necrosis of the walls of blood vessels
  • Increase labor productivity
  • Reduce fatigue
  • Reduce harmful environmental impacts

Opening hours: 8:15 am - 2:30 pm, on Saturday until 12:30 pm