Massage is one of the most pleasant and useful procedures.

If the technique is performed correctly, it has a beneficial effect on all organs and tissues of the body, helps cure many diseases and get rid of some cosmetic problems.

AZIMUT Health Akvamarin offers a variety of massages – from therapeutic and recreational to relaxing and lymphatic drainage:

  • General (restores tone, brings a relaxing effect, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system);
  • Lymphatic drainage (anti-cellulite effect, shapes the figure, improves blood circulation);
  • Bamboo (Chinese technique with lymphatic drainage effect, helps strengthen the skin and relieve puffiness);
  • Honey (provides accelerated muscle recovery, figure correction, smoothness and elasticity of the skin);
  • Eastern (ancient art based on the principle of restoration of vital energy);
  • Aromatic (increasing skin tone, improving relief, relieving nervous tension);
  • Strengthening massage “Flat stomach” (effectively removes excess fluid, activates detoxification, increases skin elasticity and firmness, after a course of procedures fat deposits and stretch marks are reduced);
  • Thai foot massage (an ancient recipe for health, foot massage perfectly relaxes the nervous system, gives the legs a feeling of lightness and weightlessness).

Diagnostic and treatment department:

+7 (861 33) 2 18 18
+7 (988) 130 03 83

Not only guests of the sanatorium, but also guests of the resort city of Anapa and the village of Vityazevo can use the services of the medical center.

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